Monday, April 25, 2011

Alright, that's enough.

I am one of the world's worst and most cranky pregnant women.  I am highly intolerant of all the aches and pains that late pregnancy brings, and I freely admit this.  I'm at 37 weeks today, and I'm ready to be DONE with this pregnancy thing!  Emma was born on this day of gestation, so I find myself longing for this guy to follow in her footsteps.  I'm thinking that's not going to happen though.  I've been having periodic "real" contractions for a couple weeks now, although nothing regular.  Each time I have one I find myself growing excited, checking the clock for the time, then not having another one for several hours if not until the next day.  That's not going to produce a baby in the timeframe I have in mind.

Last Tuesday at my 36 week appointment my doctor checked me out to see if I've made any progress yet.  The good news is those periodic contractions have made some progress.  I was beginning to dilate, although a bit less than a centimeter at most, cervix 30% effaced, and baby dropped down just a bit to -3 station.  Its not a lot, but its something, so I'll take it.  Overall the doctor said she didn't foresee anything "exciting" happening with me for another 2-3 weeks.  Ugh. 

My 37 week appointment is tomorrow, so I'm hoping and praying for more, more, MORE progress!  In the meantime, maybe my water will just randomly break like it did with Emma??  To be continued...


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